Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tough Mudder!

I'm sure you heard of Tough Mudder!  11.5 miles of fun in the mud with great friends, what more can you ask for?  Maybe an easier time trying to convince people to go.  Took me a few months of pestering but i'm glad everyone signed up at the end.  

Our day started early, we decided that we wanted to go in a earlier heat instead of our scheduled 12:00 o'clock.  Mostly everyone got up around 5 AM to get ready, eat, and stretch.  We even had time to do a morning walk around the house.  Left the house around 7 AM and headed to Northstar at Tahoe.  Parked onsite because my friend got premium parking passes that sold out pretty quick.  Everyone gets registered and marked up, we check our bags and we're in line for the 9 o'clock heat.  The MC got everyone pumped up and then he let us loose.

The obstacles were not that difficult, but the course with the elevation change was quite tough.  They start you off with a climb up the mountain. Its pretty much 5 miles up and 5 miles back down with obstacles in between.  These videos are taken from my GoPro on a Joby pod handheld.

Start Line

1. Blades of Glory - wooden walls set at an angle

2. Kiss of the Mud - your standard crawl in mud under barbwire

3. Arctic Enema - ice bath that will shock your body, esp once your head goes in

4. Just the Tip - traverse a wall hanging by your fingertips

5. Log Jammin - over and under a series of logs

6. Lumberjacked - climbing over raised logs

7. Trench Warfare - tunnels

8. Electric Eel - crawling through live wires, i think the squeaking are the sounds of electricity picked up by my gopro

Sandman going through

9. Berlin Walls - climbing over two sets of 12' high walls

10. Kiss of the Mud 2

11. Boa Constrictor - tunnels into water and back out

12. Funky Monkey - monkey bars over a water pit

13. Mud Mile - a series of mud pits

14. Hold Your Wood - log carry

15. Walk the Plank - jump off a plank into cold water

16. Cage Crawl - floating on your back with a cage in your face

17. Wounded Warrior Carry - carrying your teammate

18. Everest - climbing a vert wall

19. Electroshock Therapy - running through live wires

If you completed all 19 obstacles, you are part of the prestigious Club 19.  If not, then i guess we'll have to plan another trip to take care of that unfinished business.

The orange headband is now added to my collection.  Hoo-Rah!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Live Ultimate Run 2013

Late post, but better than none.

Live Ultimate Run was in San Francisco June 30th and I did the Quarter Marathon distance, 6.55 miles.  This is the first I've heard of this distance, and thought heck lets try it out and see how it goes.  I think this was the first quarter marathon distance for San Francisco.  The course was a 2 lap run around Chrissy Field area to Fort Point. The views of the Golden Gate Bridge are always beautiful and amazing.  The weather was amazing, although it felt quite hot and uncomfortable while running.  They only had one water stop for the course that was overrun with runners because they we're not prepared.  Most races have a group of people passing out water and a group refilling cups.  This water stop had one or two people passing out cups and you fill the water yourself, which caused a backup of runners waiting to get water.

The highlight of this run came after i finished.  My 1.5 year old son was running in the kids dash.  This was his first official run, got a bib, shirt and medal.  He didn't really have a clue what was going on, but as a parent this is one of those moments that you will cherish forever.